Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



Community Programme News

May Meal Drive

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 21:40

On Saturday morning and today we completed another meal drive. 178 meals left the oval to be delivered to the local community.

A shout out to Box It for sponsoring our meal containers.


176 more community meals delivered

Tue, 23/04/2024 - 21:24

Today alongside Clair, Sarah, Alan & Jodie Our 1st Team Boys & Staff stayed behind after training to help prepare ready Meals. Yesterday and Today we cooked up 176 Roast Beef and Turkey & Ham Dinners . We will have to keep an eye on Chef June's (think he is after our jobs ) It means a lot to us having the support of players & staff off the pitch! And not forgetting our fans and sponsors without your help this wouldn't be made possible. A massive thanks to Box- It, Darren Lockhart for purchasing our containers from Brows Packaging.

Easter Eggs donated for local children

Mon, 25/03/2024 - 20:32

Thank you to everyone who donated Easter Eggs to our Appeal. Over 350 Eggs have been donated. We have started delivering them to various children's hospital wards and homeless shelters.

A special mention to Michelle Fee for her very generous donation in memory of Michael Fee, Gary McClean For his generous donation. Glentoran Ultras, Glentoran Inclusion & Matty Emerson. So many to mention but thank you everyone (25 March 2004)

Glentoran win key community service award

Sun, 28/01/2024 - 20:07

We are delighted that the East Belfast business, sporting, retail and community sectors have recognised the work carried out by the Glentoran Social Partnership by announcing our work as the winner of the Eastside Awards for Community Impact at their annual awards evening held at the Stormont Hotel on Friday evening. The evening celebrated the best of East Belfast and was attended by many business leaders, politicians and community groups.

Hello Neighbour is back

Fri, 12/01/2024 - 19:45

Next Wednesday, 17th of January, join us for a free morning of coffee and snacks with workshops in gardening and nature education. We have a great garden outside the walls of the Oval and a wonderful indoor hall in Mersey Street Primary to facilitate this social gathering. Groups and individuals are welcome. Get in contact if you need more info. All in partnership with Connswater, Ulster Wildlife & Glentoran Social Partnership. (12 January 2024)
