Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



Season Ticket / Share Offer Extended

Thu, 16/08/2012 - 19:18

Glentoran Football Club have decided to extend the Season Ticket / Share offer until Monday 10th September 2012.

Effectively this means that if you havent already done so, you can as an Adult ST holder pay and extra £20 or as a Concession ST holder pay an extra £70 and you will be issued with a Glentoran Recreation Co Ltd share in your name.

Anyone interested in taking up this offer should visit the Glentoran Superstore.

Opening Hours this week

Thurs 16th August  4:30pm - 8pm

Friday 12noon - 5pm

Saturday  9:30am - 12:30pm

Please note that Share Certificates will be issued at the end of September.