Glentoran Social Partnership

Glentoran Social Partnership
The overarching aim for the establishment of the Glentoran Social Partnership is to create a structure and build resources that will enable the greater wellbeing and social inclusion for the people and groups of South & East Belfast through community engagement in recreational activities such as sport, recreation community interest and leisure time. In establishing the GLENTORAN SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP it is envisaged that each of the Objects and Purposes will integrate and support each other as a progression or as a pathway to achieve healthier lifestyles and social wellbeing in the South & East Belfast Area.
The startegy for delivering on these objectives has been as follows:
To promote community participation in healthy recreation, particularly in South & East Belfast, without reference to sex, sexual orientation, race ethnicity, creed or social background, by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for the playing of football and other sports capable of improving health, To achieve this theGlentoran Social Partnership will set in place a Community Engagement Strategy which will be used to guide all activities such as
- The communication with and promotion of health improvement through participation in sports, especially football but not restricted to in the South & East Belfast Area through various channels e.g. face to face, print and noon print media, social media and advertising associated with the general and specific activity
- The provision of facilities both indoor and outdoor which are suitable for the participation in a range of sporting activities.
- The provision of awareness and education associated with and in the pursuit of healthy living and healthy lifestyles
- The provision of all levels of participation from entry level, playing for fun, playing for fitness through to participation in competitions.
Those who will benefit from these activities will primarily be associated with the involvement and playing of football across a range of age groups such as the Glentoran Youth Academy, The Glentoran Ladies Football Section and The Glentoran Legends for example. These groupings will be used to provide the platforms to expand sports activities which involve young people and adults alike in ‘playing for fun and health’.
Going forward GSP will create opportunities for our community to engage and participate in a range of sports related activities that will lead to greater fitness, healthier lifestyles and community wellbeing.
The GSP (Charity) will be structured in a way which supports the above purpose as a ‘hub’ which will coordinate all of these activities.
Evidence will be demonstrated through the range of activities provided and the level of participation by age, gender and interest
To advance the physical education of young people by coaching in and providing facilities for the game of football and other sports and recreational activities so as to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities to enable them to grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society
The Glentoran Social Partnership will actively pursue football and sports related activities that will initially utilise existing resources of Glentoran Football Club both in the infrastructure (physical) and in our staff (qualified coaching team) to develop sports related programmes which will enhance
- Physical Fitness through participation in and progress through active involvement supported by well trained and knowledgeable coaching staff
- Mental Wellbeing through improved lifestyles and associated development activities in terms of personal awareness, personal effectiveness, personal health, team working, problem solving, communication skills, leadership and citizenship. Such programmes will run alongside the physical activities
- Spiritual awareness through both of the above along with the development of values such as commitment, integrity, accountability and community spirit. In addition to the Physical Fitness & Mental Wellbeing aspects there will be an extension of the GFC programme of community involvement, reaching out and helping others
GSP will seek to provide public benefit for the people from South & East Belfast in activities, education and training which contribute to
- Intercommunity Prejudice and Social Inclusion
- Community Coaching and Sports Development
- Education and Training
- Health and Well-Being
- Disability and Mental Health
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Crime Prevention
The benefits will be provided by the numbers of people participating in such programmes and from qualitative and quantitative feedback.
To provide and assist in providing facilities for sport, recreation or other leisure time occupation of such persons who have need for such facilities by reason of their youth or social or economic circumstances or for the public at large in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving their conditions of life.
The GSP will seek to provide through the current infrastructure or acquire the use of appropriate facilities for the pursuit of sporting, recreation and leisure time occupation such as
- Sports and fitness activities that are outdoor in nature
- Sports and fitness activities that are indoor or are a blend of outdoor and indoor activities
- Facilities for use in the pursuit of recreational activities
- Facilities for use is the pursuit of leisure time activities and interests
- In terms of Public Benefit, all of the above will be provided to all age groups and interest groups associated with their social welfare and improving their conditions of life, especially those who are in need of such facilities. Benefit will be demonstrated through levels of participation and range of activities provided
To advance community development by promoting co-operation and joint activities between community, voluntary and statutory organisations
- The GSP in association with GFC have a commitment to the development of the community in South & East Belfast and will seek to pursue this through collaboration and partnership work with community groups, youth groups, schools, voluntary organisations, charities and relevant statutory agencies.(see *1).
- Collaboration will be based on the ability of all parties to generate mutual benefit both for the organisations involved but primarily the ‘participants’ involved in pursuit of the aims of physical fitness, mental wellbeing and spiritual awareness. Through these partnership GSP will be able to provide greater range of relevant activities (Object b. above) and increase access to people and groups in the South & East Belfast Community to become involved.
- Evidence will be demonstrated through individual activity reports and a Yearly Report of Activities.
To promote equality, diversity and religious and racial harmonythe GSP will:
- Build on the existing platforms that exist across the Glentoran Academy which include boys, girls and disabled football teams, Glentoran Ladies Football Section and the senior teams.
- Build on existing relationships as well as expanding their activities in cross community activities and programmes at a number of different levels e.g. The Princes Trust Youth Employment Scheme (Cross community cross gender) Cross Community Football interest Groups i.e. Belfast Celtic Historical Society and cross community activities such as quiz evenings and joint interests.
- Through the establishment of GSP there is a greater opportunity to reach out to a growing ethnic population in South & East Belfast both for specific community interest activities leading to greater cross community (ethnic) relationships. Through the Fighting Food Poverty Activity (The Larder) GFC already have reached out to a diverse group of communities and will seek to build on this.
- The GSP will provide the structure that will enable greater reaching out to the increasing diverse nature of the South & East Belfast Communities and inclusion in cross community activity. All of the coaching, education and training programmes offered through GSP will include a ‘good relations’ element
(F) To promote other charitable purposes as may from time to time be determined.
The Glentoran Social Partnership will seek to promote charitable activities both as a single venture and in partnership with others;
In all of the above there is no aspect of the GSP that will provide any private benefit other than incidental through the provision of professional or accredited services in pursuit of the aims of each activity and each area of interest. In addition there will be a requirement for appropriate and identified individuals to achieve relevant accredited qualifications in order to carry out their duties.