Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



200 Club: Join to win and support the club

Sat, 08/06/2024 - 11:57

As we approach the 10th anniversary ( September 2024) of GFC 200 Club, can I firstly thank all those members who joined back in 2014 and secondly encourage supporters who are not members or have been thinking of joining to get involved. Below are some statistics.

Since September 2014 we have achieved the following:

  • £85,700 paid out in prizes.
  • £71,700 to Glentoran FC (reason for £14,000 difference between prize money and money paid to club is that we have had 10 December bumper draws since we started, totalling £14,000).
  • £71,700 has been split as follows   £65,000 invoices paid, £4,400 in bank charges. 

The invoices mentioned above:  Gas, electricity, Oil,  bin collections, pest control (Rentokil), equipment hire for pitch maintenance,

ALL money raised from the 200 club is split 50%  to a monthly winners pot and the other 50% to pay utility bills for Glentoran.

The winners pot is allocated as follows at the end of each month:

  • 1st prize wins 50% of the winners pot
  • 2nd prize wins 25% of the winners pot
  • 3rd prize wins 10% of the winners pot
  • 4th, 5th and 6th prizes win 5% of the winners pot each.

The December draw each year is a "Double Up" draw. This means the club half of the pot goes straight into the Winners Pot! To enter for December,  you must be a paying member of the club for the previous two months (October and November). Anyone who joins in December will NOT be entered into the December draw but will have their monies carried over to the January draw.

The 200 Club remains open to new subscribers. The more subscribers the bigger the monthly prizes and the better for Glentoran. To join please email Ruth at Ruth will then issue you with your membership number and our Bank Details for your monthly standing order.

Thank you

Ruth x