Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



Glentoran volunteers honoured by The Queen

Sat, 02/06/2018 - 09:51

The Chairman and Board of Directors of Glentoran FC are delighted and proud to announce that the club has been successful in its application and awarded the prestigious Queens Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS). This national award is the equivalent of an MBE for volunteers and is awarded in recognition of the magnificent work which so many volunteers undertake around the club week in week out.  Directors Colin Jess and Bill Manson commented that in carrying out the rigorous preparation and presentation of the formal application, Glentoran is supported by some 200 volunteers on a daily or weekly basis, which, even at minimum wage levels, equates to around £1m of work on an annual basis.  

We know that all Glentoran supporters will take great pride in the recognition of the valuable and unstinting work carried out both within our organisation and across our communities and be justly proud of our club and the many volunteers who make it function.

A formal presentation of the award will be made later in the year and all volunteers who have contributed to the process will be invited to attend.  This is recognition of all those who give their time so freely and selflessly to the club and the Board of Directors would like to sincerely thank each and every one of them.

Glentoran has always been a true community club and the heartbeat of East Belfast. This award provides the strongest possible recognition of that unique position.

Le Jeu Avant Tout