Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



Car Parking

Fri, 05/08/2016 - 19:40

With the new season starting, Glentoran FC asks that all supporters please show consideration for the concerns and convenience of local residents when parking for home matches at The Oval.

During the summer local young people have planted flowers in the grass verges around St Christopher’s Church. It would be totally unfair to have these damaged by people visiting the area for matches. So please avoid parking on or near this area in and around Parkgate Drive.

In general it’s also important to remember that parking spaces in Mersey Street may only be available because residents have gone shopping. There is plenty of parking availability in the area around the Arches Centre which provides easy access to the Oval but doesn’t inconvenience the local community.

Remember, Mersey Street is our spiritual home as Glentoran supporters. But it is the actual home of the local residents 365 days a year. So a little consideration is a reasonable expectation.

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