Take 5 for suicide awareness
Club Member and Past Chairman Jim Douglas who recieved treatment for cancer from the MacDermott Unit throughout 2014, presents a cheque for £2000 to Sister Caitlin McCoy on Christmas Eve.The Castlereagh GSC when approached by Jim the inspiaration behind a cabaret night held on Friday 28th November would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved and who supported us in this very worthwile fundraising event.
On the run up to Christmas Glentoran FC made an appeal for fans to help the homeless by donating clothing items that were in need such as socks, vests, scarfs, gloves, blankets & thermal underwear. The video below shows where the items everyone donated went. We'd like to thank all fans who donated.
Glentoran FC support Disability Action’s #givingtuesdayni campaign!
Please support our charity of the season by making a text donation – text DANI13 £(put amount here) to 70070. For example, to make a donation of £2, text DANI13 £2 to 70070
Take a selfie/photo and post it on the Glentoran FC and Disability Action Facebook pages!