Director, The Glentoran Academy
Glentoran FC are currently looking for a qualified and experienced person to undertake the role of Director; The Glentoran Academy (The Academy). This is a voluntary position and we would welcome the opportunity to speak with individuals who have the passion and drive to work with young people to develop their footballing and life skills. We would encourage anyone interested in this post to visit and to get a better understanding of the scope of activities involved.
The Academy is a highly valued component of the Glentoran FC set up as we seek to engage with our communities as well as look to build a strong pipeline of new players. In its own right The Academy has a proven track record of success at each of the age groups involved and we would want to see this continue.
Aims of the Academy:
The aim of the Academy is to develop players to the best of their ability to be able to play at the highest level possible for the benefit of both the player, and Glentoran Football Club.
The Academy shall promote equality, regarding gender, religion and race, as well as promoting fair play and sportsmanship.
The Academy shall compete in all national, international tournaments and coaching experiences as deemed suitable by the Academy Committee in order to increase the player's awareness of other cultures and religions, helping to broaden the player's outlook and experience.
The Academy relies heavily on the commitment of a willing squad of coaches and support staff who work week by week to help young lads grow and develop. The Directors role will be to work with and develop this squad of coaches in line with the overall approach provided by the Team Manager of Glentoran FC. The Team Manager will have overall responsibility for the training methods and structure of The Academy and will provide support and educational resources to help develop ‘the Glentoran way’.
The Director will have responsibility for managing The Academy on a day to day basis in line with the overall direction of the Chairman and Board of Glentoran FC. As such a Board Director will be appointed to liaise with the Director of The Academy on a regular basis to ensure that all matters are dealt with and provide support where required. The Academy Director will be invited to attend Board Meetings on a scheduled basis to provide an update of progress and outline plans for the future.
This is a demanding yet very rewarding role. Those interested must be able to demonstrate a proven track record in coaching and organising teams, ideally but not essentially in youth football along with the highest standards of personal behaviour and integrity.
Essential Qualifications
Glentoran FC adhere to the requirements of UEFA and as such set out the criteria under which this post is recognised and as such the following requirements must be met as a minimum for appointment to this post
The licence applicant must have appointed a Head of its Youth Development Programme being responsible for running the daily business and the technical aspects of the development sector.
The Head of the Youth Development Programme must as a minimum:
a) hold the UEFA Pro coaching diploma or;
b) hold the UEFA 'A' coaching diploma or any valid non-UEFA coaching diploma which is equivalent to the UEFA A coaching diploma and recognised by the IFA as such or;
c) have already started and attended the first part of the UEFA 'A' coaching diploma course and be working towards completion in a reasonable timeframe. Simple inscription to the UEFA A coaching diploma course is not sufficient to meet this criterion;
d) hold the UEFA Elite Youth A-Diploma as issued by the IFA and recognised by UEFA; or
e) have already started and attended the first part of the UEFA Elite Youth A-Diploma course and be working towards completion in a reasonable timeframe. Simple inscription to the UEFA Elite Youth A-Diploma course is not sufficient to meet this criterion.
The appropriate body of the licence applicant (Board / Committee) must have made the appointment and the Head of the Youth Development Programme must be registered with the IFA and/or its affiliated league.
Letters of interest from qualified individuals along with a CV should be sent to
The Secretary
Glentoran Football Club
Parkgate Drive