Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



Ballymac GSC Awards Night 2023/2024

Tue, 01/10/2024 - 16:58

On Saturday evening, the Ballymacarett Glentoran Supporters Club held its Player of the Year Awards Night for the 2023/24 season in its Clubrooms in Wilgar Street.

At a very well attended event, the awards were presented as follows:

  • Player of the Year: Fuad Sule (above)
  • Young Player of the Year: David Fisher
  • Top Goalscorer: Junior
  • Merit Award: Glentoran Supporters Club (1923)

The evening was addressed by Glentoran Manager Declan Devine and the Goalscorer award was collected by club skipper Marcus Kane on Junior’s behalf.

Ballymac Chairman Alastair Craig: “I would like to thank everyone that attended and put in the hard work for our Player of the year awards night in our clubrooms.

It was great to have Glentoran manager Declan Devine and club captain Marcus Kane there along with Young player of the year winner David Fisher and Player of the year Faud Sule.

Our Merit award went to the 1923 committee to celebrate their 100-year anniversary and for the outstanding work they still do with the programme and the halfers draw.

A big thankyou to Philip Stevenson for compiling the programme for the night.”

The Ballymac also thanks John Hunter from Zircon Air Conditioning for his sponsorship. John is also Vice Chairman of the Ballymac.

POTY Fuad Sule receives his award from Alistair Craig and Declan Devine

YPOTY David Fisher with Alistair Craig (right) and John Hunter [Zircon AC)

Marcus Kane collects the goalscorer award on behalf of Junior

Officers of the 1923 after receiving their merit award

Declan Devine addresses the guests